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By Klas Moreau, Thursday 1 January 1970

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget tellus quis urna placerat mattis vel vel urna. Ut venenatis fringilla enim vitae ornare. Vivamus felis justo, consequat ac dui non, consequat porttitor eros. Phasellus ultrices cursus sem, a scelerisque libero posuere vitae. Fusce odio enim, blandit et imperdiet sed, convallis non ante. Aliquam vitae massa ultricies quam facilisis lacinia lobortis sit amet tellus. Nam porta aliquet sem eget vulputate.

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About ZeroPoint Technologies AB
The company was founded by Professor Per Stenström and Angelos Arelakis PhD, with the vision to deliver the most efficient memory compression available, in real-time, based on state-of-the-art research. ZeroPoint Technologies AB is a privately held Limited Company, based in Gothenburg. ZeroPoint Technologies provide Ziptilion™, the world’s only available real time memory compression IP for SoCs.

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